“Top 10 Screw Air Compressor Manufacturers & Suppliers in Japan.
If you are looking for Screw Air Compressor Manufacturers & Suppliers in Japan, you are on the right place.We here listed the Top Screw Air Compressor Manufacturers & Suppliers in Japan Check and ask for a quote for air compressors, rotary screw air compressors, screw air compressors, industrial air compressors, tank mounted integrated air compressors, centrifugal air compressors, you can send us your requirements. We will quote to you.” ——–
1.Kyoshin Co., Ltd.
Our company started the company with only three people in 1951, when signs of reconstruction began to appear after the war. The company name “Kyoshin” was born from the desire of the three people to work together to grow the company significantly. We would like to express our sincere gratitude to all of our customers for their long-standing patronage and support, as we have been able to accumulate a history of 65 years.
As a “Hitachi dealer”, we are engaged in an integrated solution business such as sales, delivery, installation, maintenance, and construction of industrial machinery.
We will always provide the best proposals with the customer’s “satisfaction” first, and at the same time, we will make every effort to keep in mind that we are a reliable partner for our customers. We look forward to your continued patronage and support in the future.
2.Sakai Koki Co., Ltd.
Air source equipmentofLaboratory(Sakai Koki Co., Ltd.)ofThree promisesone. weteethOthersofrequestI don’t say “I can’t”. First of all, “I canMethodI will look for. “two.weteeth,OthersTo”inconvenience,Double effortI will keep in mind that it will not be overwhelmed.three.we By any chanceFailureWhen you doexcuseI will not do it.Air sourceplantEtc.Industrial machineryofVariousandSteelwork figurineof plan・design・Manufacturing・sale・repair・driveandoperationLine about theseconstruction of Contract.We are familiar with the reality that even if they are made in the same room on the same day, installed next to each other on the same day, and even if they start operating on the same day, they will never be in the same operating state due to various changes in temperature and humidity due to the four seasons. .. It is a method that can be done only because we have experienced abundant introduction cases and repairs and know the “origin”, and from the viewpoint of “to deal with problems after they occur” from the time of purchase planning, the products and equipment are “hard to break”.
- Screw air compressor

Our vision is to “support social and industrial infrastructure and become the foundation of people’s affluent lives.”
In an era where the structure of top air compressor is changing and people’s lifestyles and values are changing, we always anticipate that trend and respond “steadily” and “in good faith” to the expectations and demands of our customers. I want to go with the motto. To that end, we will continue to lead the industrial and electrical field as the core, and continue to strive for continuous self-improvement so that we can innovate.
4.Hitachi Industrial Equipment Systems Katsuta
- Screw Compressors
- Oil Free Compressors
- Air Treatment
- Bomb of void
“Hitachi Industrial Equipment Systems Co., Ltd. has a basic screw air compressor of business management that is directly connected to customers through integrated service, sales, and manufacturing, based on the founding spirits of” Wa, “” Makoto, “and” Pioneer Spirit. ” Contributing to the progress and development of society through excellent products and services.
At the same time, we deeply recognize that a company is a member of society, devote ourselves to fair and transparent corporate behavior, and harmonize with the environment and proactively.
We will strive to make a leap forward in our business activities under the corporate philosophy of “Contributing to the realization of a truly prosperous society through the continuation and development of our business through our compressing technology.”
5.Mitsui Seiki世紀(株)
- piston air compressor
- screw air compressor
- oil free air compressor
- portable air compressor
- Air dryer and filter
- intelligent system
Top Message
Since starting our operation in 1954, as a Air Machine, we have been determinedly addressing and devotedly working on every challenge in the field of plastic injection molding to contribute high profitability to many customers all around the world.
We fully optimize the usage of all business resources available to us such as extensive technical achievements, outstanding know-how, technical capabilities, planning ability, proposal techniques, which we have accumulated through our long business history in an effort to expand our business operations over the global field.Our satisfication is firsy pirority.
6.Factory Gear Namba
- Rotary Screw Air Compressors
- Reciprocating Air Compressors
- Oil-Free Compressors
- Air Treatment and Accessories
- Aftermarket Solutions
- Toledo Tools
It was the spring of 1996. It was when a salesman of a sales trading company opened a small red tool box at the site where he was heading to install a air machine. A snap-on tool that shines with a strong presence jumped into my eyes. I forgot to install a welder and was fascinated by the tool, which moved my life. “Beautiful tools aren’t made beautifully, they become beautiful as a result of enhanced functionality.”
At that time, I was fascinated by the beauty of snap-ons, and a senior who loves tools told me. .. A high-quality Air compressor tool that is beautiful to look at, comfortable to use, and enables quick and reliable work even with clumsy hands. I was impressed by the creator’s commitment behind it and the story of the land and people behind the birth of the tools. However, even though it is such an attractive item, there were few stores that could convey it at that time, so “FACTORY GEAR” was born to create a store that makes you happy.
7.Atlas Copco Japan
Our global, industrial company is based in Stockholm, Sweden, with approximately 39 000 colleagues and customers in more than 180 countries. We are pioneers in technology and engineering, with expertise relied upon by all industries, all over the world. Our market-leading products, solutions and services help ensure our customers’ reliable operations, optimize their productivity, reduce their costs, lower their CO2-emissions and help them achieve their own sustainability ambitions.
Quite simply, our industrial ideas empower our customers to grow and drive society forward. This is how we create a better tomorrow. Curious to learn more about our business? Read more in the Annual Report (you will be redirected to Atlas Copco Group website in English).
8.SMC株式会社 吉川工場 Japan
Since our founding in 1959, SMC has grown as a comprehensive manufacturer of automatic control equipment, including pneumatic equipment, with the goal of “meeting all of our customer requests”.At this time, SMC has more than 500 offices in more than 80 countries around the world with 20,000 employees including 6,600 sales staff and 1,600 engineers with abundant know-how and 700,000 product variations. We have systems in place to provide the best products and services to our customers who work with automation in all industrial fields in every corner of the world. With this vast network, SMC is able to provide top service and products directly to our customers, with unmatched expertise anywhere they are located in Japan.
10.(株)酒井工機 Japan
The compressors rome site, making use of the technical and professional knowledge resulting from over 30 years of experience and activity in the compressed air field, aims to offer the best solution to the requests and needs of its visitors.Professionalism and skills allow us to identify the best solution to satisfy the compressed air needs of each activity.
Do not hesitate to contact the technical and commercial staff of (株)酒井工機 Japan, a leading company in central Italy for over 30 in the field of compressed air, will be happy to identify the best solution based on your needs to meet your every need. productive. The great experience gained allows us to offer ourselves as your partner for assistance with the ordinary or extraordinary maintenance of your compressor room, the services we offer range from the replacement of consumable parts such as air filters, oil filters, separator filters and lubricant to the overhaul of the units screws with replacement of the relative bearings.