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“Top 10 Screw Air Compressor Manufacturers & Suppliers in Indonesia.

If you are looking for Screw Air Compressor Manufacturers & Suppliers in Indonesia, you are on the right place.We here listed the Top Screw Air Compressor Manufacturers & Suppliers in Indonesia Check and ask for a quote for air compressors, rotary screw air compressors, screw air compressors, industrial air compressors, tank mounted integrated air compressors, centrifugal air compressors, you can send us your requirements. We will quote to you.” ——–

1.Biotech Indo Gemilang. PT

Address:Pesanggrahan raya 54 D-E, Daerah Khusus Ibukota Jakarta 11610, Indonesia
Phone: +622158358507
Plus Code:RQ64+23 South Kembangan, West Jakarta City, Jakarta, Indonesia


Screw Air Compressor Manufacturers & Suppliers in INDONESIA

PT Biotech Indo Gemilang (PTBIG) adalah penyedia permesinan, perlengkapan dan service industri sejak tahun 2005. Bidang utama kami berkaitan dengan solusi total untuk Sistem Udara Tekan atau Compressed Air System (CAS) yaitu penjualan, suku cadang, perbaikan, troubleshooting air compressor, desain sistem dan solusi hemat energi. Welding maintenance, perlengkapan teknik untuk berbagai sektor industri.Team PTBIG didukung SDM berpengalaman pada bidangnya lebih dari 15 tahun. Kami dapat menjamin penjualan produk yang berkualitas, pelayanan purna jual terbaik, dan solusi tercepat untuk mendukung era industri modern & dinamis.Client: Industri manufaktur, Sektor migas, Sektor energy (Power plant), EPC, Pertambangan, Perkapalan, Transportasi.


2.Compair Indonesia

Address:Menara 165 Jalan Tahi Bonar Simatupang Kav.1 8 003 Kel, RT.3/RW.3, Cilandak Tim., Kec. Ps. Minggu, Kota Jakarta Selatan, Daerah Khusus Ibukota Jakarta 12560, Indonesia
Phone: +622129406890
Plus Code:PR55+MQ East Cilandak, South Jakarta City, Jakarta, Indonesia
  • Drilling Machine
  • Air Compressor Dryers & Filters
  • On-Site Nitrogen Gas Generators

Screw Air Compressor Manufacturers & Suppliers in INDONESIA


Outfitted with the business’ most extensive item expansiveness, Gardner Denver is a specialist in different applications. By picking Gardner Denver, you are turning into a piece of an amazing brand that has a greater number of items in a larger number of utilizations than any other individual.

Gardner Denver is a main supplier of strategic stream control and pressure gear and related post-retail parts, consumables and administrations, which it sells across different alluring end-markets inside the modern, energy and clinical enterprises. Its wide and complete scope of blower, vacuum and blower items and administrations, alongside its application mastery and more than 160 years of designing legacy, permits Gardner Denver to give separated item and administration contributions for its clients’ particular employments. Gardner Denver upholds its clients with deals, administration and specialized help through a broad organization of processing plant prepared and approved neighborhood wholesalers.



3.PT August Indonesia Jaya

Address:Jl. Raya Bukit Gading Villa No.23, RT.18/RW.8, Klp. Gading Bar., Kec. Klp. Gading, Kota Jkt Utara, Daerah Khusus Ibukota Jakarta 14240, Indonesia
Phone: +622129382790
Plus Code:VV2W+GV West Kelapa Gading, North Jakarta City, Jakarta, Indonesia
  • Screw air compressor


Established in 2011 and located in Jakarta and Bandung. Since then, we have been on the leading edge of compressed air solution. Our services range from Supply new Air Compressor unit, Installation, Maintenanace, Modification Control, and Rental. Furthermore, we store numbes of high quality sparepart in our workshop, with various brands and sizes.Well placed near the main entrance and well promoting the AUGUST brand by handing out gifts and AUGUST bags it was a full success for the AUGUST Indonesia team. When you have a climbs at the pictures you will see the efforts and strong communication with the visitors.



4.Indotara Persada – Head Office

Address:Jl. Raya Perjuangan 88 graha kencana lantai 10 suite 10F Jakarta Barat Daerah Khusus Ibukota Jakarta DKI, RT.11/RW.10, Kebon Jeruk, Kebonjeruk, West Jakarta City, Jakarta 11530, Indonesia
Phone: +622150203030
Plus Code:RQ57+QW Kebon Jeruk, West Jakarta City, Jakarta, Indonesia
  • Blowers – Rotary, Screw & Turbo
  • Air Management Systems & Controllers
  • Air Treatment & Condensate Technology
  • Compressed Air Storage & Distribution

Arakawa has been researching and developing Power Stabilizer technologies for critical applications, worldwide and for many years. Arakawa solutions are flexible, offering the highest levels of availability, whilst achieving low total cost of ownership.

Arakawa Power Stabilizers are designed for ease of installation and maintenance, with simple but secure wiring system. Excellent Voltage Stability will be our assurance, guaranteed by Arakawa’s advanced R&D on voltage stabilizing technology. NCX Series technology are extra fast response less than 40ms provide you excellent voltage stability which you can’t get from common type stabilizer.
Arakawa NCX series electronic voltage regulator consists of compensation circuit, voltage regulating circuit, control circuit, input sampling circuit, output sampling circuit, protection circuit and bypass circuit. It has a simple structure which has no servo, chain, and gear transmission sistem. Its mechanical fault is zero so it is maintenance-free for a long time.



5.Raja Angin Indonesia

Address:Cibis Nine Building, Jl. TB Simatupang No.2, Cilandak Tim., Kec. Ps. Minggu, Kota Jakarta Selatan, Daerah Khusus Ibukota Jakarta, Indonesia
Phone: +6281218128082
Plus Code:PR47+99 East Cilandak, South Jakarta City, Jakarta, Indonesia
  • piston air compressor
  • screw air compressor
  • oil free air compressor
  • portable air compressor
  • Air dryer and filter
  • intelligent system

Screw Air Compressor Manufacturers & Suppliers in INDONESIA

We are a company that specializes in air or industrial compressors. We provide services: rental, repair, maintenance and overhaul of industrial compressors.With experienced service and spare parts sales expertise as well as high flying hours, it is the best service that we will present to you. Supported by experts, professionals & experienced in handling air compressor units (Screw & Piston) from various brands, and also supported by the availability of spare parts which are generally needed for maintenance and repair.We are a company that specializes in air or industrial compressors. We provide services: rental, repair, maintenance and overhaul of industrial compressors. With experienced service and spare parts sales expertise as well as high flying hours, it is the best service that we will present to you.



6.Gapa Citramandiri PT

Address:Jl. H. Zainuddin No.47, RT.5/RW.14, Gandaria Utara, Kec. Kby. Baru, Kota Jakarta Selatan, Daerah Khusus Ibukota Jakarta 12140, Indonesia
Phone: +6281381269369
Plus Code:PQRQ+8W North Gandaria, South Jakarta City, Jakarta, Indonesia
  • Rotary Screw Air Compressors
  • Magnet Screw Compressor
  • TORNADO PRO Fix Speed Drive

Screw Air Compressor Manufacturers & Suppliers in INDONESIA

EXPERIENCED TECHNICIANThe service we do aim to maintain and care for the air compressor machine in order to achieve optimum engine performance and durability in the age of the userLearn MoreSOLUTION FOR AIR COMPRESSOR NEEDSWe provide many different types of air compressor, including spare parts, and accessories such as air dryer and filterLearn MoreYOUR RELIABLE BUSINESS PARTNERPut your trust in our team. We provide nothing than the best.Learn MoreONE-STOP AIR COMPRESSOR SERVICEWe provide preventive maintenance and troubleshooting,
Fix overheating problem and any cases you may deal with air compressor


7.Angsa Putih Kurnia Kharisma. PT

Address:Jl. Kartini Raya No.55 G, RT.1/RW.3, Kartini, Kecamatan Sawah Besar, Kota Jakarta Pusat, Daerah Khusus Ibukota Jakarta 10750, Indonesia
Phone: +622162309678
Plus Code:RRXM+GW Kartini, Central Jakarta City, Jakarta, Indonesia

Screw Air Compressor Manufacturers & Suppliers in INDONESIA


PT. Angsa Putih Kurnia Kharisma is an organization engaged in the industry’s largest compressor in Indonesia.We provide products, systems and services in a creative and innovative improvements, and continue to develop and growing, following the industry and improving customer satisfaction.Driven by direct coupling instead of transmission belt,bigger screw air end running with electric motor at lower, and avoid the transmission loss.New developed microprocessor control panel ensures the smooth starting and quiet running.Multiple function-self-check – service reminder, faults indicator,remote or sequential control etc.High capacity of cooler with high volume ventilating fan ideally suits for the use at different ambient temperatur-stage.




8.Kompresor by PT Raja Angin Indonesia

Address:Lantai 11 Cibis Nine Building, Jl. TB Simatupang No.2, Cilandak Timur, Kec. Ps. Minggu, Kota Jakarta Selatan, Daerah Khusus Ibukota Jakarta 12560, Indonesia
Phone: +6281218128082
Plus Code:PR3H+92 Jati Padang, South Jakarta City, Jakarta, Indonesia


We are a company that specializes in Nitrogen Generator & Oxygen for industry and pharmacy​.We also provide air compressor rental, repair, maintenance and overhaul services for nitrogen and oxygen generators. With experienced service and spare parts sales expertise as well as high flight hours, we will provide the best service to you. Supported by experts, professionals & experienced in handling nitrogen and oxygen generator units from various brands, and also supported by the availability of spare parts that are generally needed for maintenance and repair​.Introducing PT Raja Angin Indonesia as an industrial compressor solution in Indonesia.To find out the details of our company, please visit our website





9.Service aircompressor dan spartpart

Address:Duta Garden Square,blok B4 no.6, RT.026/RW.008, Jurumudi, Benda, Kota Tangerang, Banten 15124, Indonesia
Plus Code:VM3J+M2 Jurumudi, Tangerang City, Banten, Indonesia
  • Rotary Screw air compressor
  • Reciprocating compressors
  • Controllers
  • Compressed air storage
  • pressure control

Screw Air Compressor Manufacturers & Suppliers in INDONESIA

Kami menyediakan spertpart untuk compressor dengan brand kami sendiri, kami juga menyediakan spertpart untuk seluruh brand ( equivalent ) dengan warranty lifetime untuk compressor atlascopco, kaeser, sullair, dan brand cina lainnya.The soft start of the air compressor significantly reduces the impact On both electrical component as compared to a full voltage start or Star delta start designs. Inverter control ensures smooth acceleration And deceleration of the compressor which translates to smooth Driving voltage and current characteristic curve.oxinlei’s permanent magnet variable speed series air compressor is oxinlei’s permanent magnet variable speed series air compressor is ospeed air compressor is utilized to run below its rated full speed And therefore reduces the noise level even further by running at Lower speeds. Lower noise level also relates to lower mechanical war And tear and therefor extends the lifetime of the equipment.



10.Kobelindo Compressors

Address:Jl. Raya Tj. Barat No.85, RT.3/RW.4, Ps. Minggu, Kec. Jagakarsa, Kota Jakarta Selatan, Daerah Khusus Ibukota Jakarta 12530, Indonesia
Phone: +62217827002
Plus Code:PR3R+5F Pasar Minggu, South Jakarta City, Jakarta, Indonesia
  • Rotary Screw air Type
  • Industrial Piston Type
  • Water Cooled Type
  • Silent Type
  • Clean Air Treatment
PR3R+5F Pasar Minggu, South Jakarta City, Jakarta, Indonesia
Kobelindo Compressors is a sole distributor for Kobelco Screw Air Compressor in Indonesia including service and parts. It was founded in 2001 as a joint-venture company between Kobelco Machinery Asia & . Cakrawala Ardera Kencana (CAK). We believe that the joint venture will become a strong synergy and a basis for potential business partner as well as guarantee for our customers to achieve their desired target of production. Kobelindo Compressors organization has earned a high reputation for technical leadership in system design and installation, and for uncompromising quality of services, in line with our philosophy that satisfied repeat customers are the lifeblood of our successful business.


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